Configure Google MySQL Connector

Configure Google Cloud MySQL


Connecting to your Google SQL data warehouse requires a few simple steps to get you started.

1. Create a Google Cloud MySQL Database

2. Configure Google Cloud MySQL in Toric

3. Connect to External Warehouse

1. Create Google Cloud MySQL Database

Before you configure Google Cloud SQL in Toric, you will need to create a Google Cloud MySQL database.

2. Configure Google Cloud MySQL in Toric

Login to Toric and follow these steps to setup a new warehouse connector:

2.1 Enter a Configuration Name

Type a unique name for your Google SQL connector.

2.2 Enter Google Cloud MySQL Credentials

There are four (4) mandatory fields that require information about your Google SQL database.

First, you will need to enter your Host name.

Note: If this information is incorrect, you will get an invalid configuration warning.

Then, enter the Port number associated to your Google MySQL database.

Next, enter your Google MySQL database name, username, and password.

2.3 Validate your Configuration

Use the Validate Configuration button to make sure all fields are completed correctly. Invalid fields will be highlighted in red, and a successful validation will show with a green check mark.

Click on Add Configuration to finalize the creation of your Microsoft SQL Connector.

3. Connect to an External Warehouse

Navigate to the Data Warehouses section to create a New Connected Warehouse.

In the pop-up, enter a Warehouse Name.

Note: We recommend using a unique name as you can create multiple warehouse connections.

Use the Application dropdown to select a data warehouse provider, in this case Google Cloud SQL (MySQL). Then use the Configuration dropdown to select one of the options from step 2.1.

Finally, use the Table dropdown to select where to write your data.

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